Media Pro 2.2

Media Pro 2.2

It makes it easy to manage your photo and video assets
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2.2 See all
Phase One
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

I am starting to write this review about Media Pro with the certainty that I will not be able to grasp everything this utility is capable of doing. Instead, allow me to describe some of the most important features. In general, Media Pro is capable of organizing a large number of different media files, including images, fonts, movies and sounds. In addition, it will also let you modify and share these files in various formats.

This application uses a basic concept: a catalog, which is a database containing references to your media files. In a certain way, it is similar to a music library in Windows Media Player. In this regard, you will be able to create as many catalogs as you need. Also, these catalogs can be exported or shared in many ways.

This program’s interface is an integrated workspace where you will be able to preview the files from a given catalog. It has a minimalist design with an pleasing color combination. Above the list of media, you will find a toolbar including the most common actions. Performing basic operations may not be difficult; however, it is very likely that a beginner will get lost exploring the many options available from the menu. From the same interface, you will be able to play movies and sounds or rename and export files.

This suite’s features include different types of tools to manage, edit and convert media files. In this respect, with the Image Editor, you will be able to edit your images with the capability to enhance their color, sharpness and brightness. There is also Slide Show, a feature that will show a succession of images and movies or play audio. In addition, this application includes different converters that will allow you perform conversions to images, sounds or movies, either individually or in batches.

As a whole, Media Pro is an excellent application that can do the job of many more specific tools, which justifies its relatively high price. In addition, it is specifically intended for people dealing with lots of media files. If this is not your case, perhaps you might like to try less expensive or free applications.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
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Review summary


  • It includes lots of options
  • It performs batch conversion and editing
  • It supports lots of media file types


  • It is pricy
  • It may be a little difficult to use


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  • Phase one media pro